The Fundamental Underlying Hypothesis

A seminal paper by a retired Australian scientist, Ian McNaughton, was published today in an international scientific journal for peer review . It ticks all the boxes for me.  For those suffering information overload without time to read the full paper, his conclusion is a powerful statement.  14. Conclusion The relationship between the exponentially increasing global … Continue reading The Fundamental Underlying Hypothesis

Pastoral Pursuits – Reviews

Two journalists have written very kind reviews of my book. Pastoral Doyen reflects - How David Boyd fulfilled a dream David Boyd has surely lived out the dream of many an aspirational pastoral house employee: the transition from agent to principal - in his case, on a grand scale. After 18 years with the pastoral … Continue reading Pastoral Pursuits – Reviews

Blog Log – Channel Country Tour – May/June 2024

In November, 2022 two fellow members of the St Swithun's Church congregation and myself decided to hire an aircraft to fly over what was then an inland sea following heavy rain, as much of northern NSW's was under water. Earlier this year I suggested to the same two that we should go for a drive … Continue reading Blog Log – Channel Country Tour – May/June 2024